"Asheville" | Ep. 005



We're baaaaaaaaaack!

After the crazy holiday season, we've returned to discuss the benefits of having an annual retreat.



In our fifth episode, "Asheville", the team discusses our retreat in the mountains of Asheville, as well as upcoming goals and plans for 2017, skiing and snowboarding at Wolf Ridge, and why all retreats must include hot tubs. 


Spoiler Alert: Our next retreat will be somewhere warm. 


Today's Episode (0:00 - 2:05)
Why We Retreat (2:05 - 5:25)

In Asheville:
Scenic Wolf (5:25 - 6:05)
Hot Tubs (6:05 - 7:11)
Skiing and Snowboarding at Wolf Ridge (7:11 - 9:25)

Retreat Takeaways:
----->  Kyle First... (9:25 - 15:05)
The Adaptation of Company Retreats (15:05 - 17:00)
Treating Your Brand Like A Client (17:00 - 20:00)
"Probably Some Place Warm..." (20:00 - 24:06)
Getting Hostile About Hostels  (24:06 - 25:32)

Life Calendars / Wait But Why (25:32 - 29:00)
Divorces, And Breakups & Such (29:00 - 32:05)
"I Have Been Successful" & Win Swag (32:05 - 32:55)

Featured: Melissa Randall (Host)


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