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The Huify Blog

Stuff we care so much about that you probably should too.

Clive Thompson June 25TH 2024

What If Working From Home Goes on … Forever? (NYTimes Article)

Miserable as it can often be, remote work is surprisingly productive — leading many employers to wonder if they’ll ever go back to the office. Posted...

Will Tidey June 25TH 2024

Acquisition vs Retention: The Importance of Customer Lifetime Value

What is more important, the acquisition of new clients, or the retention of existing ones? It's a classic sales and marketing question and one that...

Melissa Randall (Hüify) June 25TH 2024

4 of Our Favorite Landing Pages

Landing pages are a significant component of the inbound methodology. For one, it can determine the quality of leads that a company generates....

Darren Fogarty June 25TH 2024

4 Best Practices for Well-Executed Social Copy

“What’s on your mind, _______?” This question that greets over a billion daily Facebook users at the top of their news feed would lead you to believe...

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Darren Fogarty June 25TH 2024

The "5 Minute Follow Up" System Setup

Which is more important, getting leads or properly following up on them? I’m sure that many dollars and research hours have been spent by big...

Josh Harcus June 25TH 2024

The Beginners Guide to Brand Equity

Building a company has never been easy. Even though the digital age has provided the market with countless tools, this is just as true as ever. You...

Will Tidey June 25TH 2024

Top 5 Questions You'd Love to Ask Gary Vee

In the world of marketing, personalities don’t get any bigger than Gary Vaynerchuk. He has an interesting story and, it would seem, a compelling...

Sara Rose Harcus June 25TH 2024

Why Startup Founder Nikki Durkin Should Be Your #wcw Today

There are lots of reasons Nikki Durkin should be your #wcw, not the least of which is the fact that she once split-tested flats and heels to evaluate...

Kassie Infante June 25TH 2024

Why We love Inbound Marketing (And You Should too)!

Before beginning my internship with Huify, it was hard to imagine a marketing world that included the brilliance of the inbound methodology! Picture...

Josh Harcus April 17ST 2021

What is Sales Enablement?

The sales department in your company might have more missing pieces to it than you've realized in recent months or years. Are you really sure they're...

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