#AskJoshHarcus Episode 9: Mobile App Creation and Best Sales Tip


In this iteration of the #AskJoshHarcus show, we're going to be covering: If you should build an app and how to validate that idea, best sales tips and where you should embed your video—on YouTube or on your own website.

Question: Allie asks, "Hey Josh, what's the best sales tip you've ever received?"

Answer: Okay, so the best sales tip I have ever received is actually about follow-up time. A five minute followup time is the best time to reach people—you are most likely to get a hold of them. If they reach out to you for an inbound lead then by following up immediately you can help them where they're at. So, for our sales team that works really, really well. However, since we've already featured that answer, let me talk about another one.

Helping not pitching. There's that kind of saying, "Always be closing ABC." And as much as I like that, I think it should always be helping (ABH) because the reality is the way people sell now with complex sales, it is better to be on the side of helping than it is to be selling and pushing something in pitching.

Help them into the right solution even if it's not with you, they're always going to respect you, they're always going to trust you way more and if they don't work right away they may come back years later and work with you down the road.

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Question: "Hey Josh, my name is Roman Castro I run an established podcast. This year I decided to do a vlog everyday about what it takes to put the show together so that I can build a better connection with my audience. When I post to any social media I'll post directly to the YouTube video, but notice if you post to your website with the video embedded. 

What's the better option to link a social media post directly to your YouTube account, the YouTube website or post it to a blog post that has a video embedded? What are the pros and cons? What do you recommend and why?" 

Answer: Great question. My suggestion is go where people are don't make them go out of their way to find you. Of course the ideal scenario would be that they go to your website, you can capture them as an email address or capture them as a lead and then you've the ability to market to them the way you want to, where you see fit.

However, that's a hurdle that they're going to have to overcome—they're going to have to actually go to your website.

So to summarize what I was saying, the best thing to do would be to put your videos on YouTube and then use every other channel you possibly can to point to YouTube or to point to your website and basically try to figure out where people are going. If you have a small audience then it's really easy, if they're really loyal then it's easy to migrate them to your website.

If you have a large audience, the reality is, you're going to deal with a conversion rate any time you want someone to do one thing and make them do another. You're going to deal with the conversion rate which is going to lower the amount of people that are actually going to do that thing. 

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Question: Christian asks, "What would your advice be for someone who has a great idea for a mobile app and wants to make it happen?"

Answer: The problem with creating mobile apps is they're a dime-a-dozen, and the other problem with mobile apps is that you are competing with every single mobile app on someone's phone.

My best suggestion would be instead of spending all this time in development and building an app and hoping that if you build it, they will come—rather start somewhere online. Start a community online and whether it's just creating a landing page or putting a place where people can submit their emails to see if someone is interested in solving whatever solution your app might solve.

If you do decide to actually build something, you will then already have a base of people who you can expose your app to. You can basically vet ideas and sort how good of an idea or how profitable that idea is and how much people will actually use it based on that community.

If you get a large enough community obviously those will become your first users and so that can can justify the cost and even help you offset. And if you decided to use Kickstarter or something like that to raise funding, you'd have a base community who'd already say thumbs up, we will support you in doing a kick-starter or we will support in this journey and of course you'd help them make them feel a part of it in any way possible. That would be my best suggestion for launching an app.

Thanks so much for your questions, if you're enjoying this series please subscribe to the YouTube channel and also feel free to leave a comment and ask any additional questions.

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