7 Reasons Why Inbound Marketing Is Better Than Outbound


7 Reasons Why Inbound Marketing Is Better Than OutboundInbound or outbound: that is the question. Whether tis nobler to suffer the expensive, annoying and scattergun marketing approach of the latter, or to spendeth your money on something that actually works, is your answer.

Here are seven reasons why inbound marketing beats outbound every time.

1. Inbound is measurable

Outbound marketing methods such as radio and TV advertising campaigns are notoriously hard to measure for success. Even if you enjoy a huge spike to your sales, how can you be sure it was specifically down to the campaign?

One of the great benefits of inbound marketing is its complete transparency. Closed-loop reporting allows you to track every process and get a clear indication of how that process translated into leads, and ultimately sales.

Studying your granular inbound data provides a deep understanding of what's working and what isn't. Armed with that knowledge you can move forward in the right direction with confidence.

Free Ebook: Introduction to Closed Loop Marketing 2. Inbound is cheaper

Inbound marketing is generally more affordable than outbound. There will be exceptions, but on the whole you're getting a far better ROI from inbound methods than outbound.

You may already be convinced, but please carry on reading!

3. Inbound isn't intrusive

The problem with outbound techniques is that they interrupt people and annoy them. Who wants to get a cold call on their cell phone or landline? Who wants to see a TV ad in the middle of their favorite reality TV show?

Inbound doesn't work like that at all. Inbound attracts people by offering remarkable content to appeal to their interests. Outbound is trying to grab your attention by any means possible; inbound is far more subtle and far less intrusive.

4. Inbound builds brand trust

Once users are attracted to your company blog they'll find the content enriching and enjoyable, and will want to come back for more. A trust is formed that will make the decision to become a customer all the easier for them.

Inbound processes are great for this. They harness a trust between the brands and potential customers that ultimately helps power sales.

5. Inbound invites participation

All the communication is one-way with outbound marketing, but inbound is designed to get potential customers engaged and active in the conversation.

The more a business learns about its potential customers, the better it becomes at selling to them.

moneybag6.  Inbound delivers results

Most important of all, is the fact inbound is proven to deliver results. Using the mantra of, "attract, convert, close, delight," as preached by Hubspot, inbound will increase your traffic, up your sales and boost your revenue numbers if you apply it correctly.

If you need some examples, check out our case studies section.

7. Inbound is the future (and everybody is talking about it)

More and more companies are turning to inbound marketing to drive their business. Results are guaranteed at a relatively low cost, and there is a quite staggering amount of useful information to be found online on the subject.

Take Hüify's site for example. We're giving away free eBooks and blogging tips and tricks on a daily basis to help your inbound marketing thrive. 

And then's there's Hubspot, the world's ultimate inbound marketing tool - equipped with technology so smart and intuitive that you'll wonder how on earth you conducted business without it.

Talk soon!

Hüify is an inbound marketing agency based in Wilmington NC. To book a free consultation with one of our inbound experts click the "schedule" button above.

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