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The Huify Blog

Stuff we care so much about that you probably should too.

Team Hüify April 4TH 2018

The Death of Outbound Marketing

We have all been there - flipping through channels during commercial break, skipping youtube ads after five seconds, flipping past print ads in our...

Team Hüify March 28TH 2018

5 Tips for Taking a Better Corporate Headshot

Taking a corporate headshot can be a daunting process. Whether you are doing it yourself or having a professional take it for you, here are some tips...

Team Hüify March 21ST 2018

Why Should You Blog for Your Business? Consider the Statistics

To blog, or not to blog? That is the question we understand all too well. Blogging takes time. It can exhaust your creative juices, of which there...

Kristina Jamroz March 14TH 2018

Certification in the Social Age

The Internet is scrambling with the bloggers and social marketers all trying to remain a step ahead of their competitions. However, it's hard to...

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Team Hüify March 9RD 2018

The First Step in Troubleshooting Webpage Issues on Chrome

In our world, QCing (Quality Checking) website pages is a daily ritual. We are constantly looking to iterate websites based off of the story the data...

Kristina Jamroz March 2ND 2018

Battle of the Brands: Redesigning Your Image

The year is 2018 - and it’s time for a makeover. With new platforms, applications, and products emerging at an exponential pace, keeping up can feel...

Ashley Tyllia February 23RD 2018

10 Fundamentals For Solving Issues

Issues are defined as anything unresolved that needs to be discussed. This could be problems, obstacles, barriers, ideas, or opportunities.There’s a...

Alexa Ward February 21ST 2018

The Blogging Checklist You Need To Follow

It’s been established that blogging is an essential tool for every inbound marketer. At Hüify, we have a blogging checklist that we follow each time...

Josh Harcus February 9RD 2018

How to Write Meeting Recaps that Inspire Accountability

Meetings waste a lot of time. Let's face it, just because you're at work for 40 hours a week, doesn't mean you're productive for 40 hours a week, and...

Darren Fogarty February 7ST 2018

The Ingredients To A Superb Resume

They say you never really have a firm grasp of something until you teach it to someone else. For resumes, it works a little differently. I’ve found...

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